Hoho Medical Supplies: Your Trusted Partner for Electric Wheelchairs
Hoho Medical Supplies: Your Trusted Partner for Electric Wheelchairs
Blog Article
電動輪椅 - 眾多用家推薦,好好醫療用品推薦進口鋰電池電動輪椅,安全、輕便、可上飛機。香港保養維修,價錢優惠,免費試駕電動輪椅。全球公認最輕 Zinger及 德國 Red Dot設計大獎得主Joy Rider 其他品牌:ATTO, Whill, Merits, Ocean, Karma, Pride
Mobility Products Wholesale & Retail, based in Hong Kong. Provide high quality products only. Welcome Sale or Supply requests.
Hoho Medical Supplies is a well-established team with extensive research experience in wheelchairs and electric wheelchairs. In 2013, they introduced a customer-centric approach, providing clear information, video explanations, and affordable yet high-quality products, which disrupted the wheelchair retail industry in Hong Kong. Recognizing the need for higher quality and safer products, Hoho Medical Supplies focuses on offering premium and globally recommended medical supplies.
Their multidisciplinary team possesses expertise in mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, electronic engineering, design, ergonomics, occupational therapy, sales, and business management. They have an international perspective and adhere to international standards. By sourcing high-quality wheelchairs, electric wheelchairs, and rehabilitation beds from around the world, they make extraordinary five-star medical supplies accessible at affordable prices.
Hoho Medical Supplies aims to provide a one-stop service through electric wheelchairs and other mobility aids, along with accessible facilities, to facilitate user mobility, boost confidence, and enhance the enjoyment of life.
For more information visit: www.hohomedical.com
Useful links:
➥ 輪椅
➥ Electric Wheelchair
➥ 電動輪椅
➥ Hong Kong Wheelchair